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Our Propriertary blend was formulated to assist your need to cleanse your body of parasites, bacteria and invasive fungi. Taken from ancient auyavedic treatments and tonics CLEER will put you there, in the clear. 


Neem extract, Black Walnut Extract, Wormwood Extract


Most of us have bad bacteria, fungal and other parasites in our system. Good news is that we normally have the ability to find a sort of truce with them and live for most our lives not knowing it. Well, I can say that until you truly cleanse you do not realize how different you can feel! As we age as well we loose the ability to stave off all of the effects of the infections. I created CLEER, using knowledge taken from many sources but mostly from South East Asian holistic healers. 

Cleer - Full Spectrum Cleansing

SKU: 364115376135191
    • Shake well before opening bottle
    • Day 1 and 2 dispense 1 to 2 oz upon waking and evening
    • Day 3 and on, to support cleansing continue with 1oz either upon waking or in the evening.
    • An additional 1oz could be taken to deepen the cleanse repeat as needed and tolerated


    Ingredients / Proprietary Bend:

    Neem extract, Black Walnut Extract, Wormwood Extract, Distilled Water, Alcohol



    Supplemental Facts

    Serving size 1 oz / Servings per container 16



    This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not indented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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